

It is a condition characterized by irritation or compression of the sciatic nerve - the longest nerve in the human body. Even though it is not a life-threatening condition, it can be quite painful and affect your quality of life. 


What Are The Types Of Sciatic Nerve Pain?

Pain is one of the first symptoms of this condition and it can have different forms. Most patients describe it as searing, burning, and sharp. Also, it usually affects only one leg. 

Here are other descriptions of this pain: 

  • A constant dull ache
  • Electric shock-like pain
  • Pulsating or throbbing pain
  • Pain that comes and goes

What Are The Symptoms?

Other than pain, there are other symptoms of sciatica, including the following: 

  • Hip pain: Those patients with this condition who experience hip pain are probably dealing with deep inflammation. To reduce this type of pain, you can try to bend the back or rotate the hips. 
  • Lower back pain: If back pain is one of the symptoms, then most likely sciatica is caused by a herniated disc that is putting pressure on nerve roots. 
  • Weakness in knees: Often, patients with sciatica say that they do not have enough strength to walk, and standing up for extended periods can be a challenge for them as well. It is important to note that weakness in the knees is a more alarming symptom than pain. 
  • Pins and needles: Usually, you experience pins and needles in two situations: when the flow of blood is restricted or nerves are placed under the pressure. Pins and needles can be slightly unpleasant to very uncomfortable. 

How Can A Chiropractor Help?

If you are suffering from sciatica, chiropractic care can be very helpful. A chiropractor can help reduce the pain and improve immobility. In addition, with the help of chiropractic techniques, chiropractors prevent this condition and its symptoms from appearing again. The most common techniques that chiropractors use include soft tissue mobilization, trigger point dry needling, and various chiropractic adjustments. 

Meinecke Chiropractic - Quality Chiropractic Care In Grand Island NE

If you live in Grand Island, NE, or any other nearby area and you are looking for a clinic specializing in treating sciatica, do not look any further than Meinecke Chiropractic. We are dedicated to chiropractic solutions to target the unique needs of our patients and help them get back to a healthy and happy life. If you have any questions about our chiropractic care, or you are ready to schedule your first appointment with our chiropractor, call us at (308) 381-8299


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  • "Dr. Jason is a great chiropractor. I swore I would never go back to another chiropractor after my previous experience with a different chiropractor. Dr. Jason changed that. He is very thorough and professional. I am now off migraine medicine and feel much better."
    Shannon B.
  • "You will leave better than when you went in! These folks really care about their patients!!!"
    Jeff E.
  • "My daughter has cerebral palsy and has suffered since birth. Before, she had gone to physical therapy, but it was not until after being cared for by Dr. Jason that she was more flexible. The staff at Meinecke Chiropractic are friendly and accommodating to our needs. Dr. Jason always treats you like an individual and is good with my daughter even though she is never over-enthusiastic to be there!"
    Deena S.